Saturday, October 12, 2024

YOU have been Left Behind

If tens of millions of people, including the children, have mysteriously disappeared in an instant, you’ve been Left Behind. And, this website is my legacy. You have seven years of dark times ahead the likes of which the world has never seen. Jesus still saves but you will have to be saved by faith. The Holy Spirit of Jesus will no longer hold back the hordes of evil. Jesus Christ will be  releasing His judgments on the world. He was the Lamb of God and now Jesus is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The church age of grace is over and now the judgement begins.

After the Rapture

Millions and millions of people all over the world will just vanish without a trace. They’ll leave their clothes, their jewelry, their watches, their cars still running. Pandemonium will happen afterwards, much of which will be on—where are the children? Even babies in the womb, I believe will be raptured. God loves children and I firmly believe he’s taken all children, in the womb or not, that are under the age of accountability (12-13 years old many believe).

The rapture will cause panic, chaos, a huge spike in crime, and economic catastrophe. The stock market will crash all over the world. Governments will declare martial law, most likely, all over the globe.

In walks the son of perdition

The dreaded anti-Christ will make his grand appearance and will seemingly solve all the worlds problems. I believe he’ll most like be a Jew. The anti-Christ will be opposite of Jesus. But, I think he’ll most likely be a European Jew. He will have the silver-tongue politicians before him can only dream about. He’ll have a religious sidekick and another sidekick, mocking the triune nature of Jesus Christ. He will fool the world mostly and he’ll do miracles.

The Anti-Christ will seem harmless, will appear to have all the answers, and he will strengthen a peace deal between the Jews and the Muslims. Jerusalem will finally be at peace after thousands of years of war. 

But, it won't last.

World War, multiple wars, will began that will kill tens of millions from combat and starvation. The supernatural, after the Rapture, will be in your face 24/7 until the bitter end when Jesus Christ returns to rescue Israel from the 200,000,000 man army at Megiddo.

The Aliens will Land

Many believe this and I’m one of them. After the rapture, the aliens will indeed “land”. I think they will explain away the rapture as those people have ascended and the aliens are here to show humanity the way...which is to follow the anti-Christ. The aliens, actually fallen angels, will walk the earth again and will go about performing miracles for people. Yes, like I said, the supernatural will be in your face 24/7 until the bitter end.

Demons will have open season on YOU and fellow humans. Demonic possession will be common during the Tribulation.

The Time for Salvation is Now


We are at the end. That great getting up morning, called the Rapture, could happen at any time. The world is ripe for the Tribulation and the Great Tribulation. You don’t want to be here for God’s judgement and wrath poured out on mankind.

You are God's prized possession and Satan HATES YOU! Honestly, has Satan ever done anything for you? Really? Nope, not one thing! Jesus, on the other hand, has paved the way for us with complete and utter victory over everything, especially Satan and his ilk. When Jesus died on the Cross, he took away the sin of the world. We only have to repent and ask Jesus into our heart to be born again.

Do you know Jesus?

Well, it is easy to know him and experience his undying, unfathomable love and affection.

He came and died for you.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) (KJV)

There is no greater love than Jesus.

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13) (KJV)

Accept Him today if you don't know him.

Sinner's Prayer

"Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior."

Now, go and tell someone and welcome to His Kingdom.

The Holy Spirit Baptism is a gift. Just pray, "God, I accept the Holy Spirit as a gift and welcome Him into my being. Thank and praise you Jesus for the Holy Spirit."

Amen and Hallelujah.


Unless Jesus wants another post, this is it. 

Merry Christmas! Jesus is the Reason for the Season!

YOU are Loved:

Pastrix Rachel
Transgender Church

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